Week 6 - Chile

PART 1. The Legacies of Dictatorship
Associated Readings
1.     Peter Winn, “Returning to Democracy,” selections
2.     Public Citizen, “The Uses of Chile: How Politics Trumped Truth in the Neo-Liberal Revision of Chile’s Development” (2006)
3.     Emily Achtenberg, “Elections in Chile: Confronting the Legacy of Dictatorship,” NACLA, pp. 20-22 (2016)

 Handouts ("Course Documents" on Bb)
  1. Handout 4. Chile Key Moments

NOTE: For one more week, I will rely more heavily than usual on PowerPoint slides to introduce you to recent history and key themes. When we get to Argentina (next week), I will return to a more narrative-heavy format on this blog.

I. Introduction to Chile
Please work your way through slides on Blackboard ("Chile Slides 1") in "Course Documents" content area. Then read the Winn, Public Citizen and Achtenberg articles.

Keep the Chile handout (Handout 4 on Blackboard) handy, especially as you get to the Achtenberg article where you can make connections between the history she tells and the key moments on the handout. Be sure to watch the clips included on the handout as well.

PART 2 - Student Movements
Associated Readings
1.     Nicolás Somma, “The Chilean student movement of 2011-2012: challenging the marketization of education,” Interface, pp. 296-309 (2012)
2.     Ximena de la Barra, “Chile: A Schizophrenic Country,” NACLA, pp. 23-27 (2016)

First read the Somma article, and then work your way through the second set of Chile slides (“Chile Slides 2”) on Blackboard. Finish off your engagement with Chile by reading de la Barra’s troubling and pessimistic text from last year. Keep in mind that your task here is to understand why the students in the clip (see slides) dressed up as zombies.


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